The most up to date list of elaruu fan accounts can be found here (note that the owner is banned and will not update it, however more will be posted in the comments). There are 90+ accounts, counting deleted ones.
@eIaruu (3) @uurale (elaruu backwards) @elaruwu @elaruumom @elaruuIsOverrated (definitely a fan!) @elaruuu @elaruuian @eIaruu- (3) @Elaruu1 @elaruu_ @elaroo @elaruo @eleruu @elaruupatch @elaruuvian @eIaruuian (3) @I_FOLLOW_ELARUUS @ELARUUs-BIGGEST-FAN @elaruu_tutor @elaruuan @Elbrusuu, @alaruu, @elared @gelaruu @elaruuuu @elaruuuuu @elaruu-army @elaruol @elolaruu @eIarue (3) @elbruu @elarus @glaruu @elaruu_alt @elruu @elaruuuuuu @elaruuuuuuu @eIaruuu (4) @EIaruuuu (4) @Elaruuuuuuuu (4) @not_elaruu (4)(2) @not_eIaruu (4)(2) @ElaruuIsAwesome (4) @Elaruu_bestscratcher (4) @Alt_of_elaruu (4) @eIaruu_alt (4)(1) @eIaruu_aIt (4) @eIaruu_aIt (4)(1) @elaruu_fan (4) @uuurale (4) @elaruu_for_president (4) @Elaruuism (4) @EIaruuism (3)(4) @Elaruuist (4) @Elaruu01 (4) @Elaruu02 (4) @Elaruu03 (4) @uuraIe *(1) @Ender_OF_elaruu @elarru @elarusia @netheri_elaruu @ElaruuIsCool @better_elaruu @worse_elaruu @livingspace @ellaruu @elaruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu @elaruuuuuuuuuu @ellarruu @elaruu- @MyPasswordIsElaruu (it was) (1) @elaruuuuuuuuuuuu @ELARUUFORTHEWIN @elaruu_fanart @elaruufanatic @TheFirstElaruu @103279382 (elaruu's user id) @IMightFollowElaruu @IllFollowElaruu @elarruuuuuuu @USernamefalseelaruu @_elaruu_ @Ggelaruu @30xaccountelaruu @australiuu @elaruu_is_active @elaru_is_very_active @bye_elaruu @elaruufan01
(1) Passguessed.
(2) Possibly passguessed.
(3) With a capital i.
Deleted accounts:
@elaruuuuuuu (7u). This account was created for the sole purpose of trolling elaruuians. Unmissable was contacted by a user named @at72s (aka the deleted user @5terret) who claimed responsibility for making the account. As proof @at72s gave the password and it matched (giving the this account is deleted message). Scratch Team apparently did not delete the account and it was @at72s who deleted it himself after moving on to other things.
@elaruupatch. Reason unknown, most likely for joking about being Griffpatch's account.
@eIaruu_aIt (With an i). Reason unknown. Possibly deleted after the password was guessed.
@Elaruuism. Reason unknown.
@MyPasswordIsElaruu. The most likely reason was that the name contained the password which is a violation of Scratch's Community Guidelines.
@bye_elaruu : Probably for commenting about pg'ing on cheddargirl's project
There is also a new fan account called "elaruufan02"!
@eiaruu was not part of the Elaruu class, you should change the 4 to a 3.